Outdoor Meetings
I have a passion for nature and really enjoy working with people outdoors. Clients do not have to be particularly fit for working outside. We can do very gentle walking and talking therapy, or just sitting on a bench, perhaps working with the symbolism of found objects, and metaphors provided by the environment.
As I am based in the South Norfolk, I see individuals for ongoing weekly counselling appointments in a local public access land which includes North Suffolk. These areas offer a good deal of variety for the work, including a mixed woodland and the possibility to walk to points with views across the landscape.
Although these are public spaces they are not over-run by people and there are opportunities to go off the beaten track to find private places where we can sit if needed.
Outdoor therapy is one of the newest addition to the counselling and psychotherapy world. It has roots in ecopsychology, ecotherapy, and environmental psychology. Ecotherapy specifically has an important role to play in inviting people to connect with the world around them.
Outdoor psychotherapy and counselling as a new developing modality has a solid theoretical and ethical ground.
Email me and we can arrange an initial call to talk things through.
email: [email protected]
phone: +44 07587231901